About Me

Nice to meet you

Hi there! I am Emily Mellentine, a college student, writer, and creator. I’m here to connect, empower, and express. Learn more about me, and let’s connect! 


I am a current senior attending Indiana University Purdue University - Indianapolis, pursuing my Bachelor’s degree in Communication Studies with a minor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Certificates in Public Relations, Events Management, and Nonprofit Management.

I love to share what I learn in school with others, inside and outside of the classroom. Within my projects and assignments, I focus on various topics, such as the women’s movement, women’s issues, domestic violence and sexual assault awareness, the Black Lives Matter movement, LGBTQ+ issues, mental health advocacy, and DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion).

Education helps fight ignorance, and I like to use my platforms to promote education, awareness, and advocacy. After working with Girls Inc of Greater Indianapolis, Indiana Humanities, and Visit Indy, nonprofits have a close place in my heart. I plan to work with nonprofit organizations that align with the causes I am passionate about to bring positive change into the world. 

Informal Work History 

I started my life in the workforce as a hostess and have since been a gardener, a server, a roller skating carhop server, a Hooter’s girl, a program facilitator, a patient service representative in radiology, and an intern for 3 nonprofits. Throughout my jobs, I’ve learned how to communicate with diverse audiences, how to be a mentor to youth, and my most important skill, how to rollerskate. 

Not School

When I’m not at school or working, I’m with my cats, at the gym, outside walking, journaling, writing, singing, creating, or on my phone (thank you, media addiction). 

These are my two cats, Nova and Pancake. Nova is a distinguished sweetheart, and Pancake is a silly heathen. 

I live on the Canal Walk in downtown Indianapolis, which has been a dream of mine for so long! I am a pretty good manifestor, as I manifested my current apartment. I’ll tell that story soon. 

Walking in nature is one of my favorite things to do. Since downtown is dense with concrete, the canal works fine for me. The water is calming, the ducks, koi fish, and dogs on walks are cute, and the open spaces with grass and trees make me feel grounded. You’ll find me walking on the canal with my headphones and fanny pack at least once a day. 

Thanks for learning about me,

- - Emily


Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign and Coburn Place Fundraiser